Books: {If Rocks Could Sing}

For those of you who followed our Tanzanian adventures, you might recall how often I posted pictures or stories of the time we spent outdoors. With nearly everything we did- shopping, dining out, playgroups, even sleeping (when out in the bush certainly, but even in our own home sometimes)- there was a find line between indoors and out. And usually this was just fine by us (except, of course, when what came indoors from out looked like this).
This was especially true for Eleanor, who could, and would, spend hours (and hours) outside each day. Over the course of our 10 months in Arusha, she became quite the expert of our little 2 acre lot- where we could find the best sticks for drawing or the best rocks to throw for the dogs to chase. And this desire to be outdoors has lasted. Last week, after picking up our CSA box she did not want to get back into the car, but instead demanded that she be allowed to spent more time “in the forest, mommy.”

That’s why, when I came across this (super cool) book, If Rocks Could Sing, by Leslie McGurik I knew it needed to become a part of our library. I already have grand visions of replicating this with Eleanor using materials other than rocks- sticks, bark, leaves…it just might forever change the way we spend time outside.

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